Ingredients: 1 Whole Chicken, about 3 1/4 pounds 1 Pinch Salt, Pepper, Granulated Garlic, Oregano, and Rosemary (fresh or dry)
Note: The process of removing the chicken from the bone is not easy for a novice cook. You may wish to purchase boneless chicken breast and boneless leg and thigh meat for this recipe.
Place a large cast iron griddle or pan onto the grates of a gas grill.
Wrap a regular brick in foil.
Turn the grill to high and close the lid.
Let cast iron heat as you cut the chicken.
Rinse and dry the whole chicken.
Place chicken onto a cutting board.
You may wish to cook the liver as well.
Make a long incision into the chicken just to one side of the breast bone.
Using your knife, follow the bones as you remove the meat from the bird.
You will need to cut through the wing and thigh joint to separate the meat from the body.
Repeat the process on the other half of the chicken.
Save all bones and scrap for chicken soup or stock.
Remove the wing at the first wing joint.
Make a shallow incision on both sides of the thigh bone. Place your knife under the bone and cut it out of the thigh.
Remove the thigh bone from where it joins the leg bone.
Make a long incision all the way down the leg bone.
Leave the leg bone intact.
Opening the leg will expedite the cooking process.
Gather and mix your spices.
Sprinkle spices onto both sides of the chicken.
Place chicken, skin side down, onto the hot griddle.
You can cook one half or both halves at the same time.
Place brick on top of the chicken.
Close lid and sear the chicken for five minutes.
Open the lid, remove the brick and flip over the chicken.
Flip over the brick to the clean side and place back onto the chicken. (it's a cross contamination issue if you think about it)
Close the lid and sear the chicken for one minute.
Turn off grill and let chicken finish cooking for ten minutes.
After ten minutes, open the grill. Remove the brick and remove the chicken from the griddle.
This is a photo of the bottom side of the chicken.