Chocolate Amaranth Pudding
w/ Pumpkin Seeds and Raisins
Pour coconut milk into a pan.
Fill the empty can with apple juice and pour in to the pan.
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Add amaranth to the pan.
Add a pinch of salt to the pan.
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Bring liquid to a boil and turn down to a simmer.
Simmer the amaranth for about 35 minutes.
You will need to stir the pot every couple of minutes.
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The pudding is ready when the grain cooks and thickens in the liquid, sort of like grits or polenta.
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While the amaranth is cooking you can grate and measure the unsweetened chocolate.
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Add the chocolate, raisins, pumpkin seeds and maple syrup to the cooked amaranth.
Mix ingredients until the chocolate dissolves into the pudding.
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Portion pudding into small three ounce servings or into one large bowl.
You can eat hot, warm or cold.
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