The berries and cherries in the photo are from Trader Joe's.
I have not tried other brands but would imagine that they would be fine.
Place all four bags into a bowl and mix.
Break up any berries that may be frozen together.
Keep well frozen at all times.
Place frozen berries into plastic freezer bags.
I use a large soup ladle to do this.
Place bags into freezer until needed.
To serve, just dip your bowl into the berries and away you go.
New Taste Thinking:
I realize that this is not much of a recipe but take my word for it this is the best snack you will ever find. I eat a cup or two of these frozen berries every day. The best way to eat them is to pop one piece of fruit into your mouth at a time.
Side story:
My friends have the most adorable, bright and wonderful little girl. One of her favorite snacks is frozen mixed peas and corn. She will sit there as happy as can be popping one pea or corn kernel into her mouth at a time with her tiny little fingers. She chews and chats and actually thinks that this is some sort of wonderful snack. Brilliant! I would suggest giving the peas and corn a try with all two and three year olds just see what happens.