5 Cups Water 1 Box Kasha, 2 2/3 cups 1 pinch Salt Place pan over high heat; Add water
Bring water to a boil; Add the kasha.
Bring back to a boil and stir a couple times.
Cover pan and boil kasha for half a minute.
Move kasha off of the heat and let steam in the pan for 7 minutes.
After 7 minutes remove cover from the kasha pan.
Remove cooked kasha from pan and spread out on a tray.
Let kasha steam dry and cool for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes kasha will be cool enough to handle.
Using you fingers, gently break up the kasha pieces.
Let cool 15 more minutes and break up pieces again.
Let cool completely.
Place kasha in covered container or storage bag.
Refrigerate for up to a week.
New Taste Thinking:
If you have never tried kasha, you are in for a treat. This grain [actually a fruit berry] is pure fiber wonder. You can find it in the Kosher section of your grocery store.
DO NOT follow the cooking directions on the box. The standard recipe calls for fat, sodium and eggs, which are unnecessary. Follow the New Taste recipe on this page for perfect kasha.